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The cases on this page highlight how a warrantless detention in Dedman grew to include the restriction of access to private property (R v Edwards), brief investigative detentions (R v Mann), among others, where some kind of detention of an individual's liberty or property rights by the state has been deemed legal. Click on the cases below for more information on the rulings:

= Investigative Detention (Person) 

= Investigative Detention (Property) 

Investigative detention related to one's person refers to any occasion where an individual person is detained in order for further investigation to be conducted relating to a crime or criminal charge.


Investigative detention related to property refers to any occasion where a person’s physical property is being detained in order to investigate it in relation to a crime or criminal charge.


This project would not be possible without the support of the Canadian Bar Association's Law for the Future Fund.

The content on this site is comprised of legal information. It should not be construed as legal advice. If requiring legal advice, please contact a lawyer or contact a legal aid service in your jurisdiction. 

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