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Click on the topics below to learn about how common law police powers affect Canadian society

The expansion of common law police powers affected many facets of Canadian life and has threatened our civil liberties. Hover the cursor over the boxes below to read more about how the Waterfield test has impacted the criminal justice system, systemic racism, the Charter and police/civilian technology:

Image by niu niu

Criminal Justice System

The expansion of common law police powers directly impacts the criminal justice system.

Image by Denise Jans

Charter Rights

Since 1985, common law police powers have been given constitutional protection. As these powers expand, judges are routinely faced with having to choose between state security and individual liberty.

Image by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona

Systemic Racism

Systemic Racism is a serious problem in the Canadian justice system and has been reinforced by the expansion of common law police powers.

TV Screens

Since 1985, common law police powers have been given constitutional protection. As these powers expand, judges are routinely faced with having to choose between state security and individual liberty.

Surveillance, Technology & Privacy

Our daily interaction with our mobile phones and other technology has affected the way courts interpret our privacy rights. Police have advanced surveillance technology at their disposal. See how our section 8 rights are impacted by these developments.

This project would not be possible without the support of the Canadian Bar Association's Law for the Future Fund.

The content on this site is comprised of legal information. It should not be construed as legal advice. If requiring legal advice, please contact a lawyer or contact a legal aid service in your jurisdiction. 

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